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At Jericho Care Housing, we believe in supporting our young people throughout their emotional journey.

About Us

At Jericho Care Housing, we believe in supporting our young people throughout their emotional journey. Through care, we can help them to gain independent life skills, build vital relationships and support networks, build a sense of self-belief, and strive for the best they can achieve. With this support, we empower our young people, and help them to ultimately lead independent and fulfilling lives.

We want our care leavers to be active members in society, and to have all the chances in life that other young adults have. Care leavers should leave care and move towards independence at a time and pace that is right for them.

Care leavers will be helped to develop the skills and confidence they need to become independent and successful adults, for example being able to manage their finances and parenting skills.

They will be provided with all the key documents they need to give them control over their lives as young adults, such as national insurance numbers, birth certificates and passports; and the resources and financial support they need to engage with education, employment and training and to connect with people who are important to them. For example, devices to get online, reliable and affordable internet access and affordable transportation.

Our Services

As a service, we invest in and care for our young people by providing bespoke quality support across various areas to meet their needs and assist their development. Each young person will be allocated a key worker who will support them with any of their needs, questions or concerns.

The Key worker will provide onward resettlement outreach support which will include regular visits to the young person to support them to sustain independent living. There will be a clear plan in place for the outreach work, along with ensuring that the outreach support is time limited with an appropriately phased ending. Young people aged 18+ should generally not remain in the supported accommodation for any longer than 18 months, with outreach support available as they transition toward moving out. progressing to independent living. Where options are readily available to move young people out from Jericho Care Housing and into independent accommodation, there should be resettlement outreach support available for up to 1 year, with flexibility around intensity level to meet individual need.

The specific role of the key worker will be to mentor and offer guidance to young people about journeying into adult life. They will also provide support to young people with:

  • Setting up a new home
  • Developing general household skills
  • Accessing education, work placements, employment, and social activities
  • Careers information advice and guidance e.g. CV development, interview techniques, job searching and how to prepare for an interview etc
  • Budgeting and money management
  • Personal health management i.e. accessing medical support (with young person’s consent)
  • Support and guidance for independent living
  • Developing the skills to manage personal and emotional matters
  • Participation in Society (Social and Sporting Activities)
  • Managing medication use

We also provide assistance to access support such as:

  • Person centred counselling
  • Drug & Alcohol misuse prevention support
  • Help to reduce the risk of CSE.
  • Help to address issues relating to external and environmental factors, i.e., peer pressure, offending, anti-social behaviour and social exclusion.
  • Behaviour management (de-escalation techniques)
  • Parenting advice
  • Sexual health education and advice.
  • Education support.
  • Immigration support (for UAS young people).